Anil Gupta Forensic Service – Forensic Dna Expert: Y-Chromosome Analysis, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism typing. The DNA Sample in Forensic Analysis can be collected from blood, saliva, perspiration, hair, teeth, mucus, finger nails, semon and these can be found almost anywhere at crime scence. Some examples of places in Forensic Investigation where DNA evidence may be found include Cigarettes, cloths, stamps, bite marks, weapons, cups, tissues and these should be collected for Forensic investigation by bearing gloves, avoiding coughing or sneezing on the DNA Evidence, preventing the storage of DNA Forensic Evidence in direct sunlight or a warm setting. Using paper bags or envelop for storage and not plastic bags. DNA Forensic profiling is used in the criminal investigation with the help of Law enforcement agencies and forensic DNA profiling is highly accurate as long as the evidence is not contaminated. Many of the Forensic DNA Samples go into the combined DNA index system, in national DNA Data base molecules of Forensic DNA is one long chain made up of four different molecules named as cytosine, adenine, thymine, guanine. These molecules make pairs and DNA in human cell has 23 pairs, where one pair comes from the mother of the person in consideration and the other comes from the father, every Forensic DNA is unique except for identical Twins.
Forensic Dna Expert: Forensic DNA stands for Deoxynbonucleic acid and it is usually an acid that contains genes that helping living organism in the development and functions. The use of Forensic DNA was first developed by Alac Jeffrey in year 1984 and in 1988 the Forensic DNA Crime Solving Technology was used to solved the murder case committed by colim pitch.
Forensic Dna Expert: Collection of DNA sample from a crime scence is the first step in Forensic DNA System which is followed by creating a Forensic DNA profile regarding this sample and the last step is the collection of samples from suspect for Forensic DNA profiling which may lead to conviction of innocent citizens, however despite these disadvantages the technology is still helpful in solving crimes even solving the old cases which were previously remains unsolved. Geographically mapping system GIS is another technology alongwith Forensic DNA system. Forensic DNA technology is the technology of justice and utility of Forensic DNA evidence is powerful tool in criminal investigation. The service of criminal justice system often uses scientific expert and Forensic DNA investigation. Every court of Law has discretionary power to refute Forensic DNA evidence obtained in situations.
Forensic Dna Expert: The reports of certain Govt. Scientific Experts are dealt U/s 293 of the code of Criminal procedure. Peoples have an expectations of Privacy in respect to the contents of their DNA Forensic Sample regardless of where it has been obtained or acquired. The issue arises when Forensic DNA of an individual analyse beyond the identification purpose. Evolution of Forensic DNA Technology is having a major impact on LAW as they have or are being amended in many legislation worldwide. Enactment of LAW regarding the collection, use, storage, admissibility and creation of Forensic DNA Database for DNA evidence reflects the impact of Forensic DNA technology on Criminal Justice System, however Forensic DNA evidence is a powerful and reliable tool which an establish the truth with accuracy regardless decades after the crime was committed. Forensic Science is the use of science in the service of LAW Sciences used in Forensic includes any discipline that can add in the collection, preservation and analysis of evidence as DNA. The Forensic DNA Scientist is expert in technical field. Forensic DNA evidence can link an offender to several different crimes or crime scenes. Forensic Scientists also work on developing new techniques and procedures for the collection and analysis of evidence. Positive Forensic DNA report can be of great significance where there is supporting evidence depending of course on the strength and quality of that evidence. But if Forensic DNA report is negative it would conclusively Exonerate the accused from the involvement of charge. The positive Forensic DNA report could not be therefore be accepted by the trial court in isolation. Forensic DNA testing can make a virtually positive identification when the two sample match. It exonerates the innocent and help to convict the guilty. The Forensic DNA test is a clinching piece of evidence which would show that it is the accused and the accused alone who committed rape on the victim. The possibility of two persons except identification of Twins having same Forensic DNA Finger Print is around in 30 Billion word population. It means that Forensic DNA test gives the perfect identity. It is very advanced science. Though there is no specific Forensic DNA Legislation enacted in India, section 53 & 54 of the code of Criminal Procedure 1973 provides for DNA test impliedly and they are extensively used in determining complex criminal problems. Forensic DNA testing on samples such as saliva, skin, blood, hair or semon not only help to convict but also serve to exonerate an accused. A National Forensic DNA database should be credited which will be immensely helpful in the fight against terrorism. More well equipped laboratories should be established to handle DNA samples. The great Forensic wars over admissibility are over. The importance of Forensic DNA has been discussed in various articles of Law universities. Two types of privacy interest arise in the context of collection and use of Forensic DNA for criminal justice for the public.