RSA No.3044 of 2008 Date of decision: 14.1.2010
Mohinder Kaur and another …..Appellants
vs. Kanwal Singh and others. …..Respondents
CORAM: HON’BLE MR.JUSTICE RAKESH KUMAR GARG. — Present: Mr.B.S.Bhalla, Advocate, for the appellants. Rakesh Kumar Garg,J
In order to establish this fact they got thumb mark on the statement in the above said civil suit compared with specimen thumb impressions from Shri Anil Kumar Gupta handwriting and finger print expert. He stepped into the witness box as PW5 and gave his detailed report Ex.PW5/C alongwith photographic charge. As per this report the disputed thumb impressions could not be compared with the specimen thumb impression because the disputed thumb impressions were unfit for comparison.
During the course of arguments, learned counsel for the appellants was unable to controvert any of the aforesaid finding recorded by the lower appellate Court. Thus, I find no fault with the aforesaid finding of the Courts below. No substantial question of law arises in this appeal. No merit. Dismissed.