Specimen Signature/thumb impression court can Direct

Para 2 of Sec.72 of Indian Evidence act say, “the court may direct any person, present in court to write any words or figures for the purpose of enabling the court to compare the words or figures so written with any word or figures alleged to have been written by such person.

            This section applies also, with any necessary modification, to finger impression.

            (For Discussaion as to whether the finger impressions include thumb impression- Gazettee of India 1898 – page 24)

            The court an direct the person present in court for the specimen, if the person is party or the witness to case.

AIR 1980 SC.791 State of U.P Vs Ram Babu

Cr. L.J. 1988-1000 (Ker)

            The provision of Sec.73 & 456 (R-1) CPC court can direct a party to be present in court to give the specimen handwriting, signature or thumb impression for the purpose of comparison.

1976 Cr.L.J (Civ) 447 ( P & H) 1976 Rev L.R 648 (DB) AIR 1975. Andh 88

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